Vacation Club Account

Open a Vacation Club Account before August 31. Setup automatic deposits of at least $50 per month and when the Vacation Club Account matures May 2021 we will deposit and additional $50 into your account.

Don't Let Summer Arrive with No Money in the Bank!

Save up to $500.00 per month and earn 1.25% on the average balance. Vacation Club Accounts payout in a check or transfer to your shares or checking account on May 1st. So your money is ready for you to start planning and making reservations for a summer vacation.

You must be a member of Lincoln SDA Credit Union to Qualify. If the club account is closed or does not have the monthly minimum deposit of $50 the account will not qualify for the additional payment at maturity. 

Call or text us at 402-489-8886 (call toll free 800-244-7168), or e-mail us to start your Vacation Club Account now!